Dansk Svømmeunion

Danish Swimming Federation

The Danish lifesaving federation is one of the founding members of FIS.

It was founded 6th of April 1907 and participated at the General Assembly where FIS was founded (1910).

Earlier swimming and life saving was divided into two separate organisations, but has now merged with other water sports into the Danish Swimming Federation, totaling approximately 130.000 members, 2.5 percent of the population.

Besides pool life guarding, life guarding along the 7.500 km coastline of Denmark has in recent years become a major focus point of the federation.


ILS Europe - ILS Full Member

Postal Address

Dansk Svømmeunion
Idrættens Hus
Brøndby Stadion 20
2605 Brøndby

Phone: +45 4439 4450

E-mail: svoem@svoem.dk

Website: http://www.svoem.org

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DanskSvommeunion/

Last Updated: 23rd August 2022