Cameroon Life Saving

Mr. Justin Bakinga, the Founder of the Common Initiative Group Life Saving Cameroon (CIGLSC) informed ILS that in Cameroon, many have lost their lives by drowning and many other are still going to face the same situation if nothing is done.

Being aware of water related accidents and drowning, seeing that no one is taking care of this plight, he decided to heightened public awareness in this matter in order to reduce water injury, near drowning, and drowning in Cameroon.

Justin trained more than eighty peoples in personal survival swimming with very little means and today they can enjoy safe swimming in the beaches, swimming pools, and water ways of Cameroon. He could do more if he had had assistance and support from individuals and organisations.

Nevertheless, he is continuing to carry out his lifesaving activities within Cameroon hoping that some day, all the beaches, rivers, lakes, and swimming pools shall be patrolled by professional well trained lifesavers and lifeguards for the safety of both the general public and tourists. All readers of this article are invited to help the lifesaving activity in Cameroon.

Cameroon is a developing nation and can use all assistance and support from more experienced nations and individuals.

Justin’s contact details are as follows:

P.O. BOX: 4124
MOBILE PHONE: +237 99 86 97 91 / 79 43 81 79