A number of updates were posted in the Sports Rules Section of the website (http://www.ilsf.org/lifesaving-sport/rules).
SERC Coaches, Competitors and Technical Officials Guide April 12, 2016
The purpose of this document is to provide coaches, competitors, judges and technical officials with a broad understanding of the principles of judging the Simulated Emergency Response Competition (SERC) event as well as the structure and content of judging sheets aligned to the priorities and principles of rescue outlined in the current edition of the ILS Rule Book.
ILS Competition Rule Book Technical Bulletin #1 and #2 – April 12, 2016
ILS Technical Bulletins are designed to assist competitors, coaches, and technical officials with rule clarifications and changes to the ILS Competition Rule Book. The clarifications and/or changes are presented in a question and answer format and take effect from the publish date of the Bulletin.