The International Life Saving Federation is an International, not-for-profit, non-governmental organisation that is composed of national, not-for-profit, non-governmental lifesaving organisations as full and voting members and other organisations as non-full and non-voting members.
(voting member)
Full membership may be granted to a lawfully incorporated national non-profit organisation that is a leader or provider of drowning prevention, lifesaving/lifeguarding and/or lifesaving sport activities in its Nation. Subject to the payment of the annual fee, designated representatives of Full Members have attendance and voting rights at Elective and Extraordinary General Assemblies, the right to nominate candidates to the Board of Directors, Commissions and Committees and such other rights and responsibilities as are set out in the Constitution and Bye-Laws. Only Full Members may compete in the ILS World Championships and may issue ILS recognised Certificates.
(non-voting member)
Associate membership may be granted to a lawfully incorporated national non-profit organisation that is a leader or provider of drowning prevention, aquatic lifesaving/lifeguarding and/or lifesaving sport activities in its Nation. Subject to the payment of the annual fee, designated representatives of Associate Members may attend and, subject to the consent of the relevant meeting Chair, address an ILS meeting, but do not have the right to vote. Associate Members must pay 50% of the membership fees of a Full Member.
(non-voting member)
Corresponding membership may be granted to a lawfully incorporated non-profit organisation that is a leader or provider of drowning prevention, aquatic lifesaving/lifeguarding and/or lifesaving sport in its Nation. This status is not appropriate for Regional Branches of Full, Associate or Corresponding Members in a Nation. It may only be granted to Organisations that are independent of existing ILS Full, Associate or Corresponding members. Subject to the payment of the annual fee, designated representatives of Corresponding Members may attend and, subject to the consent of the relevant meeting Chair, address an ILS meeting, but do not have the right to vote. Corresponding Members must pay 10% of the membership fees of a Full Member.
(non-voting member)
International Affiliate status may be granted by the ILS Board of Directors to international non-profit organisations, international government bodies, and international educational and research institutes with a global interest in aquatic lifesaving/lifeguarding, drowning prevention and/or lifesaving sport. Subject to the payment of registration and/or participation fees, representatives from Affiliates may be invited to attend and, subject to the consent of the relevant Chair, address an ILS meeting, but do not have the right to vote. Affiliates may be required to pay membership fees as determined by the Board of Directors. International Affiliates shall have their membership reviewed each four year.
All fees can be found in the ILS Membership Application Form:
If your national lifesaving organisation wishes to join the International Life Saving Federation, you are invited to send the following in digital format to the ILS Headquarters:
- The application form duly and completely filled out. (all questions must be answered).
in English, or in French. (The form is also available in other languages, please contact the ILS Headquarters.) - A copy of the Legislation of your Organisation (Constitution, Bye-Laws, etc.) to be submitted in the Native and English Language.
- A list of all Member Organisations (such as lifesaving clubs/units/teams) that are members of the Organisation. Such Member Organisations (lifesaving clubs/units/ teams) must be non-governmental and non-profit associations.
- An Activity Report for the past 12 months that summarises key lifesaving related activities; including but not limited to the number of lifesaving, lifeguarding and water safety courses conducted, people trained or educated, lifesaving sport activities organised, etc.
- Documentation of incorporation or recognition as a lifesaving body by relevant authorities (e.g. Government Ministries, National Sports Council, National Olympic Committee).
- A copy of the organisation’s logo.
- Payment of the appropriate membership fee. When the Organisation is not accepted, the fee will be returned less bank costs.
Fees are payable to:
ILS, Gemeenteplein 26, 3010 Leuven, Belgium
Bank account details:
BNP Paribas Fortis, Diestsesteenweg 99, 3010 Leuven, Belgium.
IBAN account number BE91 0012 4219 9376
BIC or swift code: GEBABEBB