Last year the UN General Assembly adopted a Resolution on Global Drowning prevention in which 25th July was designated to be the -yearly- World Drowning Prevention Day (WDPD) and the World Health Organisation (WHO) was invited to coordinate actions and facilitate observance of this day. For more information about the WHO campaign for the WDPD 2022, please see
The purpose of the WDPD is raising awareness of drowning prevention and celebrating the actions and initiatives that lifesaving organisations around the world are taking to prevent this.
As we approach this year’s celebration, we would like to inform you about this year’s key theme, launched by the WHO, which will be “Do one thing to prevent drowning”.
This theme is an invitation to take one concrete action to advance drowning prevention, something all of us can do, individually or in groups.
You will be interested to know that the ILS is planning to hold a WDPD 2022 webinar, for which each ILS regional office has been consulted how and when this will be held for their region. We will keep you updated on further actions, or your regional office will.